Today I choose to be….

Today I choose to be positive and up-beat.  Today I choose to see the best in everyone in my life and allow them their moment in the spotlight.  Today I choose to love my life and be grateful for every moment – even the difficult ones.  Today I make my own choices about my attitude, like every other day, and I can own the outcomes.

If this all sounds a little simple, that’s because it is.  It is a simple matter of choice.  Making the choice is not always simple in itself of course, but that is up to you.  Owning our right to make choices is a big step and one that requires practice.  Start your practice today by choosing how you are going to react to people in your day.  Will you allow them to influence your mood in a negative way?  That is your choice.  Will you decide to allow yourself to be positive whatever their mood?  It is your choice.

I let someone “get under my skin” yesterday – that was my choice.  It took me a few hours to take responisbility for the fact I had chosen to react in the way I had – my choice not their choice.  They do not control my reactions, I do.  As soon as I acknowledged this, I was able to make the choice to let it go; to not let it get me down, to rise above it and own my choice to decide it was not important to me.

How will you choose to be today?

Have  a fabulous Friday

Dinah 🙂

Published by Dinah Liversidge

Independent Celebrant, helping you create a celebration of your love, life and family. Living in Myddfai, Carmarthenshire, in a woodland cottage with the love of my life and our pets, Branston Pickle and Lilly. Lover of conversation, chocolate, coffee and connecting people.

One thought on “Today I choose to be….

  1. Your insight are always so spot on, Dinah! Choice is our biggest resource! Do I choose to have breakfast today or skip it? Do I choose to forgive myself or continue to beat myself up? The possibilities are endless! I sincerely hope you opened a can of worms!

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