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Pick a choice between one and ten….

Have you got a list of choices?  Choices you’ve been planning to make for a while now; perhaps a long while?  Sometimes it can feel overwhelming – and not knowing where to start can result in not starting at all.  Those choices go un-made or ignored, the progress is stalled or the inevitable is delayed.  Today, pick one of your choices and go for it!

A good place is to start is with honesty.  Be honest with yourself and write a list – nobody else is going to see it, so be honest.  Write down the choices you have been putting off, in no particular order.  Every choice counts – from getting a new hairstyle to launching a new business venture.  No choice is insignificant, no choice is too monumental; they all belong on the list.

Now, pick a choice in the first ten you wrote down.  Start with a small one – but be honest!  Does “choose whether to have cake  or biscuits with my coffee this afternoon” really belong on the list!?  The choice I am picking today is to get some new lighting organised for my office by allowing time for that in my diary this lunchtime.

Choosing to make just one choice at a time and to focus on that one choice until you have seen it through, is the key to success with choices.  How often have you heard someone say “I tried that and it didn’t work” about something – giving up smoking, changing a behaviour, overcoming a problem – they were not focussed on that one choice; perhaps they were not convinced it was the right one, perhaps they had already decided they were going to fail.  Perhaps they just expected immediate results – choices take time to make and will take time to create results.

Pick a choice today – and choose to focus on seeing it through.

Have a fabulous Thursday

Dinah 🙂

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